hOmE         aBoUt mE         mY wOrKs         fAceBoOk         cOnTaCt mE

Friday, April 20, 2012

Caught in a the whirlwind!

So everyone knows by now that I am an Escapist because well, I never seem to stop talking about it these days:) But the one thing that makes it so interesting is this constant flurry of activity that does not slow, ever!
Now the whole concept is based on how much one wants to get from the program. Which I think is brilliant because then one really experiences a paradigm shift in their thinking. It is no more about procrastination and excuses, it is time to play and play hard.
Every time I come up with an idea, it is received with much vigor and in turn I am made to understand the different dimensions of the idea. Bird's evey view isn't the only cool view....one just has to learn to look:)
I have not written in a while and this is why. I am kept on my toes constantly and I am loving it! John Palmer has this ability to explain things in an adaptive manner meaning he talks to me like I want to be talked with, makes me completely comfortable and then very laughingly asks absolute specific details about progress on the last meeting. Yep, on my toes...always:)
Mind you, there is another mentor in the program who is the equivalent of one's backbone. Ryan Lindsay makes me do my homework! Yes, I am sure it makes all my teachers proud but I would like to think there is no one in my adult life who can make me do that, free will and all!!! The funniest part is that he has never told me to strictly follow the diet rules, always said to follow what feels right to me and my way of working but eventually I want to show him my homework and get that A! There are very few people who have his kind of strength....I am glad he is using his powers for the good of mankind!
I am beginning to feel the change in me though, as an artist, as a business person. My mind seems to digest a lot more than it usually did. I notice more about what is around me. I feel ok talking about my work and not feeling like I should keep it short:)

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