hOmE         aBoUt mE         mY wOrKs         fAceBoOk         cOnTaCt mE

Friday, October 5, 2012

Black & White

October is keeping me on my toes! Come see me and 13 other artists at this amazing Black & White show at Hungrys!

Hungry's cafe
2356 Rice Blvd, Houston TX 
Opening on October 7, 2012 from 4PM - 8PM!

Believe me, this is a fun event and the works that are exhibiting here are phenomenal! The works show there until October 31, 2012.


FSAM - October 2012

Come see me at the First Saturday Arts Market on October 6, 2012!

548 W. 19th St, Houston TX 
October 6, 2012, 11AM - 6PM


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Solo @ Mo Mong!

Opening October 4, 2012, 6-9 PM
Complimentary Hors d'oeuvres

So this is going to be my prelude to The Afternoon of Escapism that will be held on October 20 at John's Gallery. This year has been all kinds of everything:) It has been a year of learning, of achieving, of believing. So come by and talk with me about all that you want to know about my year. I will be more than happy to give you an insight :)
See you there!


Friday, April 20, 2012

Caught in a the whirlwind!

So everyone knows by now that I am an Escapist because well, I never seem to stop talking about it these days:) But the one thing that makes it so interesting is this constant flurry of activity that does not slow, ever!
Now the whole concept is based on how much one wants to get from the program. Which I think is brilliant because then one really experiences a paradigm shift in their thinking. It is no more about procrastination and excuses, it is time to play and play hard.
Every time I come up with an idea, it is received with much vigor and in turn I am made to understand the different dimensions of the idea. Bird's evey view isn't the only cool view....one just has to learn to look:)
I have not written in a while and this is why. I am kept on my toes constantly and I am loving it! John Palmer has this ability to explain things in an adaptive manner meaning he talks to me like I want to be talked with, makes me completely comfortable and then very laughingly asks absolute specific details about progress on the last meeting. Yep, on my toes...always:)
Mind you, there is another mentor in the program who is the equivalent of one's backbone. Ryan Lindsay makes me do my homework! Yes, I am sure it makes all my teachers proud but I would like to think there is no one in my adult life who can make me do that, free will and all!!! The funniest part is that he has never told me to strictly follow the diet rules, always said to follow what feels right to me and my way of working but eventually I want to show him my homework and get that A! There are very few people who have his kind of strength....I am glad he is using his powers for the good of mankind!
I am beginning to feel the change in me though, as an artist, as a business person. My mind seems to digest a lot more than it usually did. I notice more about what is around me. I feel ok talking about my work and not feeling like I should keep it short:)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

9 Oz

The first assignment John Palmer gave us as part of the 2012 Escapism program was to build a sculpture that shows what we feel the program will do for us.
This being my first attempt at anything sculptural, it was not only exciting but intriguing. So I hunt for found objects in places I am most familiar with - my studio and my pantry:)
Hence the paint can and the weighing scale.
The sculpture sits on a plain cardboard box that has a small clock base in the bottom. The significance? I confidently sold clocks with my paintings on them to experiment with selling art for the first time in 2009.
The weighing scale is John & Ryan. The paint can is my career. The significance? The creators of Escapism  will measure my career constantly this year and tell me if I am under utilizing myself or if I am overdoing something.
Everything is in white because to me it maintains the sanctity of my thought without distracting from it.
My journey is a continuous present and will be a propelling future.
The scale will measure and the paint can will ever be flowing.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

No Entry

Sometimes there is so much inside me, it gets very hard to translate it all into a readable sequence. January was a packed month for me. My mom started her vacation with us in January. My kids have been in a constant state of being pampered since then :)
School started at Glassell, I am just taking one class this semester. Have I told you I love going to school!:)
Then I came to know that I was selected as one of the finalists in to Escapism Movement, Artist John Palmer's Mentorship Program!!!! As usual, my excitement knew no bounds. Believe me, I sound very mellow now but then when I got the news, I could not feel my feet. Gravity was a joke:) Then the final interview was scheduled for the last week of January.
Open Studio happened and the first painting from my Mystique Series sold to this absolutely talented patron who understood my work and my heart almost just burst with pride.
The same weekend as my interview, my uncle was visiting to see Mom. It was so endearing to see my family leave me alone because they wanted me to concentrate completely on the interview. I couldn't ask for more:)
The same evening after the interview, I got the news that I was selected! Celebrated the evening with family and friends who were also visiting from out of town. I was in heaven that evening!!!! So much love and so many hugs..

Thursday, February 2, 2012

First Solo of 2012!

So come on by and enjoy this evening with me! I promise there will new works to entice you:)


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New Year!

New year's rolling in and its already been 5 days! So, there are tons of must-dos that I have thought about. How many actually get done is entirely dependent on the weather:)
Professionally, I would like to be a step above where I was in 2011. And learn! That seems to be the driving force behind all that I do. I want to learn more, I want to read more, I want to remember more...thats the key. I read a lot but the retention is questionable:)

So, what am I in 2012?
1. Artist Extraordinaire in my little studio,
2. Treasurer for Artists Alive & Well art group,
3. Student at Glassell,
4. Personal artist for all my patrons,
5. Good supporter of other artists and friends,
6. General go-getter of all things art!

Well, this is what I can confirm for now. Anything else that gets added, I will keep you posted!
In the meantime, my paints and I need to have a quick meeting..


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