hOmE         aBoUt mE         mY wOrKs         fAceBoOk         cOnTaCt mE

Sunday, February 19, 2012

9 Oz

The first assignment John Palmer gave us as part of the 2012 Escapism program was to build a sculpture that shows what we feel the program will do for us.
This being my first attempt at anything sculptural, it was not only exciting but intriguing. So I hunt for found objects in places I am most familiar with - my studio and my pantry:)
Hence the paint can and the weighing scale.
The sculpture sits on a plain cardboard box that has a small clock base in the bottom. The significance? I confidently sold clocks with my paintings on them to experiment with selling art for the first time in 2009.
The weighing scale is John & Ryan. The paint can is my career. The significance? The creators of Escapism  will measure my career constantly this year and tell me if I am under utilizing myself or if I am overdoing something.
Everything is in white because to me it maintains the sanctity of my thought without distracting from it.
My journey is a continuous present and will be a propelling future.
The scale will measure and the paint can will ever be flowing.


  1. I wish I could see a photo of the finished work, I guess this is really great piece.

    1. Thank you! This work is finished, I could send you more pictures if you wish:)


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