hOmE         aBoUt mE         mY wOrKs         fAceBoOk         cOnTaCt mE

Monday, August 1, 2011

Summer summer, Color, color!!!!!

So this summer, a friend of mine asked me to teach her daughter art. My expression was a mix of surprise and complete disbelief! I didn't think I was equipped enough to teach but there was no deterring my friend. And know what...I am glad she made me do this. I LOVE IT! I LOVE TEACHING KIDS TO PAINT!!!

Of course this was a test run and my class was super informal. But I ended up teaching 3 children from the neighborhood, ages 6,9 and 10.
And since I had only 8 classes to be with them, I thought the best thing to do is to teach them how to hold and move their brushes on paper, how to notice the million different types of green in nature and learn about one artist:)

Today's class we interpreted Picasso's 'Mediterranean Life' and here's what we got:

Needless to say, I am super proud of my kids! And you know what their homework is....3 jokes every week:)

1 comment:

  1. Very cool Ani! Yet another way to diversify your talented skill set :-)


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